- With the Indian organic food market is projected to grow at a remarkable CAGR of
23.8% from 2023 to 2028, BIOFACH INDIA emerges once again as the leading
platform for this thriving industry
- NATURAL EXPO INDIA will showcase premier natural, ayurvedic, and plant-based
brands, capitalizing on the growing trend of shifting from chemicals to natural
- The International Year of Millets and government initiatives have turned millets
into a superstar grain - MILLETS INDIA is now the premier B2B platform and the
ultimate event for everything related to millets
Organised by NuernbergMesse India in collaboraOon with APEDA (Agricultural and
Processed Food Products Export Development Authority), BIOFACH INDIA 2023 co-located
with NATURAL EXPO INDIA and MILLETS INDIA 2023 is expected to successfully bring leading
organic, natural and millets companies together under a common roof. The exhibiOon is
supported by leading InternaOonal and NaOonal stakeholders – IFOAM (InternaOonal
FederaOon of Organic Agriculture Movement), ICCOA (InternaOonal Competence Centre of
Organic Agriculture), OFAI (Organic Farmers AssociaOon of India), AIOI (AssociaOon of the
Indian Organic Industries), AssociaOon of Herbal and NutraceuOcal Manufacturers of India
(AHNMI), and Indian InsOtute of Millets Research (IIMR). Visitors can look forward to a
diverse range of products on display, an engaging knowledge programme, business
matchmaking, networking opportuniOes and special highlights.
Indian organic food market projected to reach a value of USD 4.6 Bn by 2028
According to IMARC’s report, the Indian organic food market reached a value of USD 1.278
Bn in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 4.6 Bn by 2028, with a compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 23.8% during 2023-2028. On average, India's annual organic product exports
are valued at USD 0.827 Bn. Government iniOaOves like Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana
(PKVY) and Mission Organic Value Chain Development in North East Region (MOVCDNER) are
dedicated financial aid schemes for organic farmers. In addiOon, support is also being
provided to FPOs in their training, cerOficaOon, processing, value addiOon and markeOng of
the produce.
BIOFACH INDIA is THE pla?orm where the enOre organic industry converges annually. It’s not
just the sourcing market place for FMCG, retailers, speciality chains and other resellers but
it’s also the meeOng place for government bodies, cooperaOves, farmers, manufacturers,
sellers, new entrants and aspirants to showcase latest products, innovaOons, engage in
business and forge stronger connecOons while shaping the trends for the future.
With parOcipaOon from 200+ exhibiOng companies from various verOcals such as food,
beverages, grains, spices, pulses, dairy products, bio-agri inputs, natural care and wellness,
millets etc., the expo will also witness several prominent states of India along with the
Government Boards like Spices Board, Tea Board, Coffee Board, Coconut Board displaying
their organic / natural produce by way of organized pavilions. Sonia Prashar, Managing
Director and Chairperson of the Board, NuernbergMesse India, stated: "India presents a
lucraOve and emerging market for organic food and beverages. The growing health
consciousness and a preference for healthy, clean and organic products has led to a surge in
the demand. The government and other important stakeholders have been pushing to bring
awareness along with various other supporOve measures at all levels of producOon,
including monetary incenOves to farmers, FPOs, and entrepreneurs. BIOFACH INDIA is at the
core of this major shiO as it is THE pla?orm that channelizes industry discussions,
innovaOons, trends and lays the foundaOon for the next course of acOons whilst serving as a
sourcing point for the enOre organic industry.”
World of Natural & Ayush at NATURAL EXPO INDIA
With ayurvedic and holisOc trends now becoming a lifestyle, the market for natural and
plant-based products is gaining more and more popularity. The market size of the Indian
Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy sector (AYUSH) is projected
at a whooping USD 18 Bn and the Ayurveda market is predicted to grow at 15 percent CAGR
from 2021-2026.
This growth can be a?ributed to factors such as increasing consumer awareness, evolving
lifestyles, rising disposable incomes, and growing concerns for health and the environment.
Keeping sustainability in view, the consumer is also leaning towards plant-based products
including plant-based meats. The global plant-based food market is expected to reach USD
162 Bn by 2030 with a CAGR of 18.60% from 2020 to 2030. At the 5th ediOon of NATURAL
EXPO INDIA, the visitors will be able to explore ayurvedic, plant based, nutraceuOcal and
other natural products and meet authenOc and relevant industry players.
Millets make a comeback with a bang and are here to stay!
The government of India has announced millets as the nutri-cereal or ‘ShreeAnna’. The
highly nutriOous millet has been the part of India’s food chain legacy for ages in raw or
secondary processed usage forms. With UN announcing 2023 as the InternaOonal Year of
Millets, Shree Anna has now become a main stream food source grain.
India has special focus on millets in the budget 2023-24 and has the most policy friendly
ecosystem for millet entrepreneurs. With an annual producOon of 15.53 Mn tonnes, India
exported USD 64.28 Mn in 2022 and projected to reach USD 2 Bn by 2030. MILLETS INDIA
gives millet-based manufacturers and brands the opportunity to meet the relevant
stakeholders and buyers and cement themselves as reliable brands that are here to stay with
healthy and quality packaged food soluOons. Sivakumar Venugopal, Group Director,
NuernbergMesse India emphasized on the rising demand of millets, “This humble cereal has
today become a global star. The rise in demand along with the support by government has
not just prompted major food brands to invest in millet-based packaged products but has
also lot of new entrants and small entrepreneurs who are offering a variety of innovaOve and
led to the rise of unique opOons. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an
established brand wanOng to expand the por?olio it is the right Ome to invest in the nutricereal – either way MILLETS INDIA is the go-to hub for any millet stakeholder as it is the only
pla?orm which is solely dedicated to millet-based businesses, today and for years to come”
What to expect as a visitor?
Visitors have the opportunity to network with 200+ exhibitors hailing from every corner of
India. These exhibitors will be showcasing a diverse range of products spanning from organic
raw produce, organic value-added products, and organic processed and semi-processed food
to spices, tea, oils, millets (both raw and value-added products), natural cosmeOcs, and
personal care items. In addiOon to this, visitors can explore service and soluOon providers
specializing in areas like traceability and packaging.
Moreover, parOcipants will have the privilege of engaging with key industry stakeholders,
gaining invaluable firsthand knowledge and support from government bodies, associations,
farmer producer organizaOons (FPOs), cooperaOves, and other relevant enOOes. The
exhibiOon promises a holisOc experience, offering visitors a comprehensive understanding of
the organic sector and facilitaOng meaningful networking opportunities.
The Famer’s Market Area, organized by the Organic Farming AssociaOon of India (OFAI), with
an a?racOve array of products on display promises to provide an opportunity for the visitors
to directly network with the FPO’s (full form can be used) and Agri-preneurs. One of the key
highlights this year is the “Nature’s New and Now” arena which will allow the a?endees to
catch up on the latest market trends and innovaOons that the industry has on offer.
The concurrent conference sessions, presentaOons, and discussions led by global industry
experts are tailored to cater to the specific needs of every segment within the organic,
natural, and millets industry. These informaOve sessions will provide valuable insights to
a?endees. Session topics include: Enabling capacity in producOon and applicaOon of BiopesOcides & Bio-ferOlizer for Soil Borne Disease Control and Organic Farming, InteracOon on
import and export related opportuniOes and challenges for Indian Organic Industry,
Sustainability & Naturals in CosmeOcs, Government offering to Organic/Millet producers,
Cross Boundary Retail.
The leading exhibiOons in the BIOFACH World connect organic marketplaces with
internaOonal demand in 8 key economic regions of the world – and promote the
development of regional markets at the same Ome. They are the meeOng places for supply
and demand, raw materials and convenience products, manufacturers and buyers, as well as
poliOcs and media.
About NuernbergMesse
The NürnbergMesse Group is one of the 15 largest exhibiOon companies in the world. It
includes NürnbergMesse GmbH and that company's 15 subsidiaries and affiliates. The Group
employs more than 1,000 people at eleven locaOons in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy,
Greece, Austria and the USA. It also has a network of internaOonal representaOves in more
than 100 countries. Its por?olio comprises some 120 naOonal and internaOonal exhibiOons
and conferences held in person and as digital events, focusing on five general fields: Retail &
Consumer Goods, Building & ConstrucOon, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, and
Social & Public. Its events safeguard jobs, generate tax revenues as well as billions of euros in
purchasing power effects each year, making NürnbergMesse a major economic engine for
the Nuremberg metropolitan region and Germany as a whole. As an employer and organiser
of major events, NürnbergMesse assumes responsibility for people and the environment. It
shapes its corporate acOons in accordance with the 17 UN SDGs with the aim of achieving
climate neutrality in energy supply by 2028.
For further informaOon, please contact:
Heena Jabeen
Senior Manager – MarkeOng & Communication
NürnbergMesse India Pvt. Ltd.
E: Heena.jabeen@nm-india.com
P: +91 11 4716 8806
Priya Sharma
Director - Projects
NürnbergMesse India Pvt. Ltd.
E: Priya.sharma@nm-india.com
P: +91 11 4716 8830